Christmas Decoration Workshop

Christmas and the weeks before it is a special time at Germany For Kids. Snow, ice-skating and crisp frosty air outside, hot drinks and cozy atmosphere inside Schloss Leizen. At this time our creative sessions turn towards encouraging the children to produce individual and unique seasonal decorations to take home as gifts.
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Award winning photographer documents a day at Schloss Leizen

Robert finds the best angle with help from our maintenance truck
Robert Sommer finds the best angle with help from our maintenance truck

As with all new major hotels or restaurants it is important to test facilities and prove concept with real guests in advance of opening. Naturally we have had a number of test weekends, primarily to re-assure ourselves that kids and teens feel at home in the environment we have created at Schloss Leizen and also to test sport, catering and safety facilities and procedures. Continue reading Award winning photographer documents a day at Schloss Leizen