
Schloss Leizen GmbH does its level best to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate and appropriate. However it does not assume any liability or guarantee for the accuracy, validity or completeness of the information provided. Furthermore, Schloss Leizen GmbH will not assume responsibility for the content of the external websites that are hyperlinked on our website Schloss Leizen GmbH reserves the right to change or expand the information provided here without notification.

The content of Schloss Leizen GmbH’s website is protected by copyright. The distribution of information, especially the use of texts, text excerpts or images requires prior written authorisation from Schloss Leizen GmbH.

Provider within the meaning of the German Telemedia Law (Telemediengesetz)

Schloss Leizen GmbH
Schoenwalder Allee 61
13587 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 39922 839889

VAT-ID number pursuant to Section 27a of the German Value-Added Tax Law (Umsatzsteuergesetz, UstG): DE281026738.

Schloss Leizen GmbH is registered in the Company Registry of the local court of Charlottenburg (Berlin) under the registration number HRB 138855 B.
Its corporate headquarters are in Berlin.

Schloss Leizen GmbH is legally represented by its Managing Directors:
Natalia Backhaus
Georgij Backhaus

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Demeter Certificate

Demeter Zertifikat 2023/2024, p.1

Demeter Zertifikat 2023/2024, p.2